Renee Burke led us in the Flag Salute.
President Carin thanked Jerry Dannenberg for taking over for Rich Stewart today.
Our Opportunity Drawing was a $50 gift card to Café Nouveau, donated by Jerry Dannenberg.
President Carin thanked Renee Burke for putting the slide deck together.
President Carin spoke about the Maui Fundraiser put on by the Rotary Club of Ventura-South.
We will have a regular meeting next week and the following week will be our Social for D.G. Marta.
Cal Magro spoke about the Love Ventura morning of Community Service project at the YMCA. We need to fill 17 spots. More information to come.
End of Summer Beachside Bash is coming September 23rd. Please push VIP tickets.
Guest of Jeff Hata was Rosandra Esquivel.
Dawn Knowles gave our Inspirational Message.
Our program today was Art Fischer was our speaker on Rotary Peacebuilding.
Happy $’s: Jeff Hata,
Happy Birthday to Dave Anderson and President Carin’s is coming soon.
Jerry Dannenberg conducted the Opportunity Drawing and the winner was Joe Strohman.