Bill Spellman led us in the Flag Saute.
Our only guest today was our speaker Dr. Mike Babb.
President Husam gave our Inspirational Moment.
Tim Blackwell inducted two new members today...Sharon Daley and Tobias Hildebrand.
President Husam presented Joe Strohman with a check for $2,875 for contributions members made to the RCVE Foundation the past year.
Joe  Strohman then gave a brief history of our club's involvement with Ventura USD with the highlight being our scholarship program.
Midge Stork announced that our raffle prize was a $50 gift card to Wood Ranch BBQ donated by Kathy McGee.
Kathy McGee announced a meeting at Jordan Eller's office to review designs for the Rotary Site at the Ventura Botanical Gardens.
John Borneman led us in our song of the day.
Bill Spellman announced that RYLA is coming.