Todd Juvonen led us in the Flag Salute.
President Bruce spent a few minutes talking about the Fourth of July and the differences between her and Australia.
Midge Stork announced that our raffle prize was a gift card to the YardHouse donated by Jeff Burgh.
President Bruce then asked everyone to write down Husam Hishmeh's cell number and if you need anything after 12:00 am on July 1st please call Husam!!!
John Borneman led us in a song.
Tom Swan spoke about the Push-em Pull-em parade. This year we will be giving out the streets to close on a first come first served basis, so if you have a favorite street, please get there early. We will want to block off the streets at 9:00 am.
Co-Rotaract Presidents Faye & Nicole were here to show off the cookbooks that Rotaract put together as a fundraiser to support their Mexico house build. The project has changed since the last time they were here. Rotaract has been asked to help with a community center build and all costs associated with the project will be paid for. This will be August 12th - 14th. Rotaract will be taking another trip down in November to do a house build.
President Bruce read a thank you letter from Sachi Tan for the scholarship we gave her this past spring.
President Bruce showed off the R.I. Presidential Citation we received at D.G. Jim Bell's Stepdown. Bruce also attended Ventura South's Stepdown, a club we sponsored.
President Bruce gave his final words:
  • We gained 10 new members and Tim Blackwell received an award for his hard work.
  • We still need to get more serious about fundraising.
  • As a club we need to do a better job of mentoring our new members.
  • The board was challenged this year to get more proactive and be a governing body. 
  • Avenues of Service need to do a better job of driving the bus!
  • We did more socials, but we need to do more.
  • We needed to do a better job with the projects we did. We need to learn to do more with we have and we needed to do more.
The District has set up a fire relief fund for the people affected by the recent brush fires.
Ventura-South has an interesting speaker on July 11th. Igor Davis will be speaking about the Charles Manson murders.
Husam Hishmeh introduced his incoming board.
Guests: Guest of Michael Martin was his wife Julia. 
Midge Stork did the raffle and our lucky winner was Carol Marquez-Olson!