Bill Spellman led us in the Flag Salute.
Jeff Hata gave our Inspirational Message and our joke of the week.
President Bruce thanked everyone who attended the Step Down Dinner. President Bruce said that many members thanked him for wanting to do a formal event. In case you didn't attend the Step Down Dinner, President Bruce gave a "brief" recap of his speech. Most importantly, we need to keep inviting and adding new members. We've added 10 over the last year and we need to keep the momentum going.
Fundraising, we need to come up with fundraisers so we can keep doing the good work of Rotary. Watch what other organizations are doing and maybe we we can piggyback on them.
President Bruce also spoke about succession planning and how we now have the next 3 years covered, but we need to develop leaders so we never have the problem of not having leaders in the future.
We also need to have flexibility in our meetings. Maybe only 4 a month or shorten our meetings to an hour. Things for Husam and his board to think about.
Tim Hughes presented Kelly Hatten with a check for the new Blanche Reynolds Library in the amount of $1,050.
President Bruce asked everyone to help out and sign up for the duty roster and turn in your roster sheets today!!!
Tim Blackwell then led the induction ceremony for Kris Hansen! Welcome to the club Kris!!!
John Borneman led us in a song then Harriet Clune conducted the raffle for a $50 Trader Joe's gift card and the winner was Jeff Hata!