Rich Stewart led us in the Flag Salute.
President Husam thanked Michelle Cekov for greeting today.
Tobias Hildebrand gave our Inspirational Message.
President Husam reminded us about the Community Service Social on February 1st at Spice Topia and said that the board meeting would be rescheduled.
Sharon Daly told us that Mossy Foot was doing a "Shoe Donation Drive" and if we had any gently used or new shoes that we would like to donate, please bring them to the club meeting in the next few weeks. 
Bob Pazen gave our joke of the day.
Bill Spellman told us that the Mock Interviews at Buena concluded today.
Midge Stork announced that the raffle prize was a gift card to Macroni Grill donated by Jeff Burgh.
John Borneman led us in our song of the day.
Guests and visiting Rotarians: Guest of the club was Steve Harbison and visiting from Downtown was Hutch!
Rich Stewart read a letter from the Salvation Army thanking us for bell ringing this year.
President Husam told us that Wendy Pazen's mother passed away this week. There was a card being passed around for everyone to sign.