Tom Hashbarger led us in the Flag Salute.
Guests today: Guests of the Club were Ashley Pope & Ayn DeVera. Guest of Bill Crookston was Steven Morris and guest of Ashley Pope was her brother in-law Bob Harrell.
Midge Stork announced that our raffle prize was a $50 gift card to Trader Joes donated by Mike Martin.
President Husam reminded us about the District Training this Saturday and that the board meeting was rescheduled to April 12th.
Kathy McGee was passing around a sign up sheet for the Rotarian at work day.
Harriet Clune was passing a sign up sheet for the Ojai Wine Festival on June 11th.
Harriet Clune also went over the results of the survey she passed out last week.
Joe Strohman spoke about the Rotaract Easter Egg Hunt at the City Center on April 15th and the water symposium his firm is hosting.
Rich Stewart asked for volunteers to drive for Job Shadow in 2 weeks.
John Borneman gave our Inspirational Message and our song of the week.
Greg Frye spoke about our speakers for the last quarter of the year and that our speaker next week will be a NFL Referee.
Midge Stork did our raffle and the lucky winner was Melody Namikas.