P.E. Dawn stood in for President Carin who was a little under the weather today.
Cal Magro led us in the Flag Salute.
Our opportunity drawing was a $50 gift card to Café Ficelle donated by Kathy McGee
PE Dawn thanked everyone who helped with the meeting today.
Jim Word let us know that the Friends of the Library is having a book sale on April 6th and they will need help to move books. If you have a truck or a van, please let Jim know.
Bruce McGee reported that our meeting will be on Wednesday in the Ventura room. California Rotary clubs will be receiving an award that will be presented via Zoom.
If you would like to join the Polio+ society, talk to Bruce. The St Patrick’s day fundraiser at Topa Topa will make the club approximately $4,000 to donate to the Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at VCMC. The club acknowledged Stacy Tipton and her crew for her donation of the food and labor for this event.
Upcoming events
April 11th – Student of the Quarter and Juan Torres with the Salvation Army.
April 18th – Social TBA
April 25th – Scholarship Awards
PE Dawn gave our Inspirational Message.
D.G. Marta’s Step Down will be June 29th.
April 21st – Walk for Kids
Our speaker today was Tammy & Summer Helmuth with the Girl Scouts.
Happy $’s: Margarida Eidson, Cal Magro, Nancy D’Attilio, Harriet Clune
Rich Stewart conducted our opportunity drawing and our lucky winner was Cal Magro!